Saturday, March 27, 2010

On Mumbai...Part 1

Mumbai, India. A place I have been interacting & romancing with since my childhood. A city, that is called by many names, and stands upto them all. Much has been said about it, geographically, historically, philosophically, fictions have been centered around it, films made. Out of many, one book that comes to my mind is Maximum City, a song that comes to me is the very peppy and poignant "ye hai mumbai meri jaan".. However, I have never been able to relate to any of these. All of them I know, are true, they are different flavors of the city, different aspects.. but they are not my Mumbai, my Bombay....I believe that Bombay, Mumbai is different for all, is an construction of mind, its more of a mental space, and how you see and react to the happenings here, is what the city is for you..And this is exactly why, I love listening to everyone talk about it, of it...and now, after thinking about it for really long..I want to tell you, what this place is for me...Hence forth, I will write about my interactions, experiences and above all my thoughts on this city in the forth coming blogs. I hope I manage to interest you enough to read the series and tell me about your experiences on them....till the next one then, am signing off...

1 comment:

  1. would be interesting to know whats ur view on our "little" city....:-)
